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HAUNTED IPSWICH: Volume 1 Ghosts of the Heritage City - By Jack Sim
HAUNTED IPSWICH: Volume 1 Ghosts of the Heritage City - By Jack Sim

HAUNTED IPSWICH: Volume 1 Ghosts of the Heritage City - By Jack Sim

Ghosts of the Heritage City

HAUNTED IPSWICH: Ghosts of the Heritage City is a spirit guide detailing 13 of Ipswich 's most creepy places.

HAUNTED IPSWICH: Ghosts of the Heritage City is written and extensively researched by dark historian Jack Sim of Ghost Tours infamy, who reveals the location of the Heritage City's haunted sites. From the birth of Ipswich & Brisbane this collection of ghost stories from past and present include haunted cemeteries, mines & churches. Including some of the oldest documented ghost stories of our nation.

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ISBN: 978-0-9757960-1-6 
EAN: 9780975796016 

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